Family visit

“Reality to an autistic person is a confusing, interacting mass of events, people, places, sounds and sights. There seem to be no clear boundaries, order or meaning to anything. A large part of my life is spent trying to work out the pattern behind everything. Set routines, times, particular routes and rituals all help to get order into an unbearably chaotic life. Trying to keep everything the same reduces some of the terrible fear.”
Therese Jolliffe

„A valóság egy autista számára események, emberek, helyek, hangok és látványok zavarba ejtő, egymással kölcsönhatásban álló egyvelegét jelenti. Látszólag semminek sincsenek világos körvonalai, rendje vagy jelentése. Életem nagy részét a dolgok hátterében rejlő mintázat megfejtésével töltöttem. A megrögzött szokások, az időpontok, a konkrét útvonalak és a rituálék segítenek rendszert teremteni az élet elviselhetetlen zűrzavarában. Még ha időnként szeretnék is részt venni valamiben, az agyammal nem tudok rájönni, hogy ezt hogyan kellene elkezdenem….. "

Dear parents!

Below, we have put together some tips to help your child prepare for a visit at the Story Museum; to explore it and to help process their experiences they have had during the visit.
Before visiting:
By watching this video, your child will already have an idea about how the space looks and what kind of activities are there. 

You can also read a social story, in which we give you a step-by-step guide to what to expect when visiting.
The social story can be downloaded HERE.
You may also find it useful to browse our drawing guide on museum rules at home.
The infographic on the rules can be downloaded HERE.

When choosing a time to visit, it is worth bearing in mind that we also run family activities on Saturdays from 11am, which you can attend with a museum pass. You should expect more visitors on these days. If your child is uncomfortable with the presence of so many people, we recommend that you choose quieter visiting times. In our experience, the museum is quieter on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays between 1pm and 3pm.

At the Museum
It may occur that you have to wait briefly at the ticket office, during which time you can learn about the history of the museum, take a look at the Museum’s map or get familiar with the displayed work of a contemporary writer in the arched courtyard.
At the ticket office, you can acquire a bag full with tips and useful objects to make your visit more enjoyable. The bag is included in the ticket price. 
A seating area/ chill zone is available in the museum. If at any time during your visit your child needs a moment of peace or a short break, this is the place to retreat, relax and get away from the stimulating exhibition environment.
Once you have toured the exhibition and completed the trials with help of the booklet, you can ask for a stamp for the booklet at the ticket office. Here you will be able to return the bag at the end of your visit (except for the booklets and the map, which will remain yours).
After your visit
The visit at the Story Museum can be prolonged: in the booklet below, we have put together exercises to help you deepen your experience at the museum and recall your experiences.

The experience booklet can be downloaded below
We ask you to help us by filling in the visitor questionnaire available on the website.
The questionnaire can be downloaded below

We wish you an exciting journey through the world of fairy tales in the Fairy Tale Museum!

The staff of the International Cseperedô Foundation and the colleagues of the Fairy Tale Museum!

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